Clash Royale How to Effectively Counter Spawner Decks !!

Lots of players are using this strategy, especially below Arena 6 and most new players don’t have a decent strategy to deal with it. I am going to give you some good solutions to deal with those Hut Decks.

These Decks are very popular in Clash Royale . They always attempt to run you over with a swarm of troops . But with Good Counter Cards you can stop them from hitting your TOWER. 

How to deal with them?
  • You should try to take down those Huts as soon as possible with your damage Spell Card (Lightning, Rocket, Fireball,…). The Lightning is extremely great at dealing with those annoying Huts with the large radius and high damage. Most of the time, you can deal damage to the Huts and also the Crown Tower nearby.
  • On defense, you should have Cards which can deal AoE damage (Wizard, Valkyrie, Baby Dragon,…) to the incoming squad. Zap and Arrows Cards are also pretty great against weak troops.
  • Always attempt to lure the enemy troops to the center of your side so both Crown Towers can hit them.
  • Don’t hesitate to drop a spell on a large group of troops and get the positive elixir trade. The opponent will always try to bunch up his troops so also don’t waste your Spell Cards on just a few troops.
  • The Bomb Tower is not a bad choice at all. With 1-2 hits, it can take down a decent number of troops.
When to Counter Attack?

The Best Time to counter attack will be the time duration of 3:00 to 1:00 when your opponent drops a barbarian hut . Drop a card Combo like valkyrie with musketeer to take down the first 2 Barbarians then launch a something like  hog / Giant Skeleton / Giant / Balloon / Minion Horde to deal with the Tower. 

Do you have any other idea to deal with the Hut Decks? Don’t hesitate to share your opinions guys! Also, please share this post with your friends If you have found it helpful. That will help this blog a lot!
