Hog Cycle Deck for Arena 8 and Above !! Clash Royale

Hey guys this is Troy and today i am gonna show you a Hog cycle deck, an improved version of the original one with an average elixir cost of the range 2.8-3.2. This deck Consists of versatile card slots. You will see that in a minute.

Here is the Deck:-

Slot 1- Hog (Locked) - You cannot replace the card in this slot since it would defeat the purpose of the deck. Hog Rider is your main attacker in this deck and you must counter push with this deck. If you go on to beocming too aggressive you many find yourself low on elixir even in this 3.0 cycle deck.

Slot 2- Goblins(Open)-
Cards replacable - Skeletons, Spear Goblins

This are cheap damage dealers which play a huge role in your deck. They are used to lure troops like elite barbarians around your side of the arena or defend with , when your defensive structure is not present.

Slot 3- Ice Golem(Locked)- I really do not suggest replacing this card because it acts as a mini tank in your deck which is non offensive towards troops so it can be used to lure troops to the opposite lanes easily.

Slot 4- Archers(Open)-
Cards Replacable-Musketeer, Ice Wizard, Electro Wizard, Minions
These are backup damage dealers in your deck used to counter small pushes effectively like graveyard + Bowler which is really popular nowadays.

Slot 5- Zap(Open)-
Cards Replacable - Log

This spell is used to deal with small groups of troops pretty effectively for a positive elixir trade.

Slot 6- Cannon(Locked)- I really recommend the cannon here over the Tesla because of its cheap elixir cost. Use this structure reactively to deal with building attackers.

Slot 7- Electro Wizard(Open)-
Cards Replacable-Musketeer, Archers, Ice Wizard
If you have the E Wiz in this slot, i recommend you to keep in Log instead of the Zap. Deploy behind or near the Tower to deal with Tanks like Giant or Golem along with the Cannon.

Slot 8- Fireball(Locked)-I really recommend not to change this card as it deals a fair amount of damage , and can take out a large group instantly. Combine it with Ice Golem or Electro Wizard to Completely Shut down most of the Pushes by taking down their support Troops.

General Gameplan

Attack Combos- Hog + Ice Golem - Use Zap if minions show up to completely take them out .

Your only attack option is Hog when you have defended against a push or when you know your Opponent is low on Elixir.

If you opponent is shutting your Pushes down, you need to bait out the defense using an Ice Golem + Archers Push.

If you don't have the Hog in your starting hand, just don't rush . Play slowly and keep defending untill you find the right oppurtunity. 


Miner Cycle â€“ You might feel being humiliated in the start… but in double Elixir time these players are always overcommiting by sending Horde + The Log + Princess + Miner. Just place your Hog, Ice Golem and Zap on the other lane.
Giant Beatdown -You cannot keep your hands at rest against this one! Keep pushing or get humiliated as their supports will be gone in countering your Hog push.
Bowler + Graveyard/Anything â€“ Same as above but your hands need to work even more! It is a pleasure to watch your Ice Golem counter the Bowler and your Hog hammering the tower! Graveyard must kept in mind all the time while defending. (After Golem is placed) Think that Graveyard can be casted any moment from now and you will defend better
Royal Giang + Hog Bait – You shouldn’t counter the Hog with Cannon as soon as you know he has an Royal Giant! Archers + Musketeer are your best friends. These decks are often accompanied by Furnaces… Just Place an ice Golem
Elite Barbarians as their main win condition â€“ You have every counter to it i guess.
Bowler Graveyard Freeze â€“ You can pretty much smell this deck as soon as you see Archers, Tombstone and Bowler. No need to panic we have our archers, they must be paired with the Ice Golem. Now there is one thing you need to worry about is his 8th card. It is either a Freeze or Fireball. Fireball is no problem , but the freeze really is, but as it cost 4 elixir, you have to place another card like musketeer or a legendary Wizard, whichever you use.

Here is a Video to understand it better:-

So Yeah that’s pretty much it. That’s what I believe. Any recommendations are accepted, changes are welcomed. Thanks !
